Put a magnetic whiteboard on your fridge for keeping track of your next grocery store trip.
Everything you’ll run out of and need to pick up from the store is used in the kitchen, next to the refrigerator, with the possible exception of toilet paper.
Eggs, butter, paper towels, dish detergent, even doing an item check for a recipe you want to make next week is all done in the kitchen.
This whiteboard is 5 dollars at Meijer.
whiteboard on the fridge is better than alternatives
A grocery list on the phone is suboptimal because you have to find your phone, unlock it, open the list app, and type what it is you need. On top of that, opening your phone is a chance to get distracted by notifications and short-form media. If you share your groceries with a partner than you’ll have to find a service or set one up yourself to sync your lists.
A piece of paper placed in the kitchen has the advantage that you can take it to the store, but it can get lost or destroyed.
Using your memory is fine if you don’t ever forget anything.